
刘君 原创 | 2008-12-03 12:02 | 投票



因为我的孤陋寡闻,以前还真的不知道12月1日就是什么“世界艾滋病日”,刚才上网,点开人民网,看到一篇很刺目的文章,题目是《防艾人员领“小姐”宣誓 今日开始一定用安全套》。我读完文章以后,虽然知道了12月1日是“世界艾滋病日”,但心里总是觉得不得劲,好象有什么东西堵着。
不知道始于何时,所谓“妓女”、“小姐”、“卖淫嫖娼”等一些丑恶现象又在中国大地上借尸还魂,死灰复燃,并慢慢地泛滥了起来。虽然也曾“扫黄打非”过,可不知道是力度不够,还是故意纵容,反正这种社会丑恶现象没有被清除。前几天,我还惊诧于某地的派出所和妓院在一个楼里办公,今天我才知道原来是 “小姐”已经过度为“性工作者”了!

"AIDS Day" became "Miss oath", is too horrible!

Because of my lack in the past really do not know of Dec. 1 is "World AIDS Day," just the Internet, point to open Network, to see a very Cimu article, entitled "Fang Yi collar staff," Miss " The beginning oath today must use condoms. " I read the article, although aware of the Dec. 1 is "World AIDS Day," but that was always awkward, as if there is anything Duzhuo.
The article said that the city of Guangzhou 40 "Miss" in a hotel read, "vowed to health": "Health is the first wealth, health and happiness is the fundamental guarantee for their own health and well-being, as well as to other people's health and Well-being, from now on, we must use condoms every time, the use of strong! "At the same time, to borrow an tone of the expert said:" If a 5-year sex workers do not have condoms, directly or indirectly, of 80 infected individuals ! "
In front of the "World AIDS Day," became a "Day oath Miss," here is "Miss" into the "sex workers", which is not a means of "Miss" in Guangzhou has a legitimate job? At the World AIDS Day that day, "Guangzhou Daily" published an article so that public opinion seems to be very clear yo.
Can I make such a vision? Guangzhou is really thinking of the liberation of it, not only will the "World AIDS Day" liberation "Miss oath", but also the "Miss" liberation "of sex workers." This is today's China, which today's Chinese people, this building today on the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, this being the current scientific view of development and education, in the end is a hi? Or sad?
If I remember correctly, before the reform and opening up, as if there are no "sex workers", right? I seem to recall that the early establishment of People's Republic of China, governments at all levels of society半封建半殖民地left over to the prostitution of women, through the closure of brothels and asylum, education, resettlement, etc., to help change their ideas and way of life change , As an independent, free and equal citizens working as a customs and social transformation. After transformation of prostitutes, most of the increased awareness and understanding of thinking, new values of life and enhance the confidence to a new life, courage, Labor has set a glorious, shameful concept of parasitic and establish a helpful and serve the community, a sense of responsibility, Understanding of their own past suffering and the tragic fate of his social roots, out of vanity selfish, pleasure-seeking corruption, drug abuse and gambling, and other bad habits. They brought to the state and society to make contribution to the ideals and beliefs, respectively, took to the industrial and agricultural production and other sectors of socialist construction jobs. They have worked hard and create wealth for the country, many people get the "March 8" Hongqi Shou, women heroes, model workers and advanced workers, such as the title of honor. Prostitution reform tasks, putting an end to China more than 2,000 years in the history of prostitution, "prostitutes" in the land of China disappeared.
Do not know when it started, the so-called "prostitutes" and "Miss" and "prostitution" and other ugly phenomena and another body in the land of China, the resurgence and spread slowly up. While also "against pornography and illegal publications", could not tell whether this is enough, or a deliberate connivance, in any case such social evils have not been cleared. A few days ago, I was also surprised in a brothel to the police station and a building in the office, I became aware of the "Miss" over "sex workers"!
Today's "Miss" because of ideological emancipation, can be "sex workers", and that means that tomorrow is not corrupt, or a so-called "workers" and the name of gambling?
I do not want to go carefully, because the consequences are terrible! Really terrible!