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来源: 金华新闻网  2009-08-14 14:46 作者: 编辑:陈兆贤 孔海燕
Jinhua】 【Add the first half of 102 cases of HIV-infected persons
Panan www.panews.cn News Network
Reporter yesterday from the city of CDC was informed that the first half of this year the city's new report on 102 cases of AIDS, the majority of cases, the route is sexual contact, which is 10 cases of infection between husband and wife.

Abide by the prevention of sexual morality is a major means of

According to CDC Deputy Director of the Urban Wang Fengying introduced in 2003, AIDS in the city's main route of transmission is intravenous drug users, infected persons than in the main drug. Since then, the increasing dissemination of sexual contact and become the main way, in the current found in a total of 547 cases of AIDS, there are 356 cases of infection due to sexual contact.

"Abide by the nature of morality, there is only one sexual partner, use condoms, not to take drugs, especially injecting drug use is an effective way to prevent AIDS." Wang Fengying said that if AIDS was found early, treatment can delay the onset, but also to take measures to prevent transmission to others, especially his family. The incubation period of AIDS may take up to ten years, prior to the onset of infection in almost no feeling. She suggested that there have been high-risk behavior, the best three months after first detection.

"The people infected with sexually transmitted diseases, HIV infection is also high-risk groups." Wang Fengying special reminder to the formal governance of sexually transmitted diseases, medical institutions should be, because the city's major hospitals will be done in the surgery before the detection of AIDS, and small clinics do not have such basic conditions.

Cities and counties based VCT clinic

City Branch of the CDC Colorectal Tao Ai doctors said that in August this year, the city in each county (city) must have a major maternal and child health care hospitals and a hospital set up VCT (voluntary counseling and testing AIDS) patient.

Yesterday morning, the center director of hospital infection-Juan sitting傅跃of new "HIV VCT clinic" where to go to work. The out-patient on August 1 in the opening.

"Counseling and testing are free of charge before 12:00 blood, the report will be the afternoon."傅跃Juan said before, when there is no out-patient, some will see the name of the other patients, the doctor said quietly: " help me to do testing of AIDS. "doctors are not listening to quiet, quietly took his blood test done called him to check the report. Detection of such a person to ask, before more than a dozen every year.

Juan傅跃that negative (not infected) report issued by the hospital, while the positive (infected) to the report issued by the CDC. If the hospital is found positive a person will do blood test again, or if the results are positive, they separated from the serum to the city of CDC. The Center's laboratory has confirmed the national AIDS laboratory standards, the test results once a week to determine whether the infected person.

Juan傅跃that detected the infection will be regular medical check-up services, but also eligible to receive free anti-viral drugs to control the growth of viruses, slow down and reduce the incidence of complications. It is learned that the city or a total of 58 infected patients were included in the national management of antiretroviral treatment free of charge.

True when the information detection is important

City hospital security women were identified during the first half of this year, five cases of AIDS. Dr. Jiang Xufeng laboratory that found that half a year on so many, in the past have not been.

5 cases of this infection, 3 were women Paul city hospital to do surgery prenatal care or abortion of pregnant women, 2 pregnant women were spouses. "These infections are very ignorant about AIDS."蒋旭峰said that in July this year to check out the homes of pregnant women is to do surgical abortion, and after the inspection reports is also concerned that doctors can not stand against her, she did not expect that if nothing had happened, she called also to check her husband, she laughingly said: "No."

Shen both obstetrics and gynecology hospital doctors said that patients fear most is that false information to fill. Last year, there is a prenatal care of pregnant women do, check out the positive, but doctors have to notify her, phone can not get through, looking by address to find people, to the Public Security Bureau revealed that even the name of a false . Doctors can not find the results of her is: She may be the children infected!

According to the city of CDC said that at present there are three cases in our city through the "mother to child transmission" means AIDS infection, the youngest only 4 years old.

Source: Jinhua News Network 2009-08-14 14:46 Author: Editor:陈兆贤Hai-Yan Kong

[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:199    更新时间:2009-8-14    文章录入:nnb ]



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