
刘君 原创 | 2008-11-16 11:11 | 收藏 | 投票


    2008年10月28日《新民晚报》 据美联社报道,26日在华盛顿举行的传染病会议上,美国国家过敏症与传染病研究所资助的一项大型研究成果表明,艾滋病患者应该更早地接受药物治疗,而不是像以前那样等到免疫系统受到严重破坏时才开始用药。这项研究结果将可能改变无数艾滋病患者的命运。按照目前美国政府和国际艾滋病协会的指导意见,患者在艾滋病症状显现之前,即血液中每立方毫米T细胞数降低到350之前(常人的T细胞数应超过800),不要采取药物治疗。因为医学界普遍认为,虽然自1990年代中期开始使用的组合药物疗法疗效显著,但是这种疗法会引起心脏问题、高胆固醇以及痢疾、反胃等副作用,药物可能比疾病本身对身体更有害,而且耐药性也会最终降低药效。因此,尽可能晚的接受药物治疗,可以减少副作用对人体的伤害。但是26日在华盛顿举行的传染病会议上发布的研究成果给出了不同的意见,研究人员通过研究认为,应该尽早确症艾滋病并尽早开始药物治疗,这将能有效延续患者的生命。1996至2006年间,在华盛顿大学西雅图分校马瑞•吉塔哈塔博士的带领下,研究人员在美国和加拿大跟踪调查了8374位T细胞数在351到500之间的艾滋病患者。其中30%的患者一开始就服用药物,其他患者则遵照指导意见,等到T细胞数降到350以下才接受药物治疗。“我们发现有70%T细胞数在351到500之间的患者接受药物治疗后,相较与不治疗的患者状况转好。”吉塔哈塔博士说。美国加利福尼亚大学圣第亚哥分校传染病研究项目主任罗伯特•斯库里博士认为,“所有的研究都显示,我们的治疗开始得太晚了。有必要一开始就采用药物治疗。”斯库里博士曾协助艾滋病协会编写指导意见,并为多家生产抗艾滋病药物的公司提供咨询。美国国家过敏症与传染病研究所所长安东尼•福兹博士称,药物疗法的完善以及新的研究成果将进一步推动医生重新审视这份指导意见。他预计,医生在指导意见得到修订之前,就会让他们的患者更早地接受药物治疗。而且近年来,新的组合药物疗法的副作用也越来越小。有一些疗法只需要每天服用一到两粒药片,长期坚持服用也已经不成问题。但是更大的问题在于,三分之一的艾滋病病毒(HIV)携带者过晚地被确诊感染了艾滋病,此时他们的T细胞数已经降到了350以下或者已经患有严重的并发症。“人们还是太晚地发现感染了HIV。”波士顿伯莱翰女子医院的艾滋病专家达尼尔•库瑞兹柯博士说。“新的研究成果进一步表明了,尽早确诊受到HIV感染的重要性。”根据报道,现在每年约有56,300名美国人感染HIV,这种病毒会破坏帮助免疫细胞抵御细菌入侵的T细胞。一旦T细胞遭到破环,患者就会陷入一系列致命的疾病中。在防治艾滋病时中医这个“慢郎中”同样大显身手。
中国性病艾滋病防治协会顾问吕维柏教授等专家曾在评价中药对治疗艾滋病有显著疗效这一现象时说:“血清抗体转阴是药物治疗艾滋病后所能达到的最佳结果,我国专家用中药方剂治疗后,病人血清抗体转阴,病情向好的方向转化,一方面说明艾滋病的发病过程不是不可逆的,通过治疗是可以逆转的。另一方面也意味着中药的治疗效果,使人们对用中药治疗产生了一定的希望,同时也表明人们向着治愈或临床治愈艾滋病的目标迈进了一步。”艾滋病因HIV病毒感染导致免疫缺陷,首先引起T细胞下降,检测指标CD4下降;是临床最有意义的观测指标。CD4的降低,提示自身因感染HIV而导致免疫应答反应系统整体下降。T淋巴细胞胸腺依赖淋巴细胞(thymus dependent lymphocyte)。亦可简称T细胞。来源于骨髓的多能干细胞(胚胎期则来源于卵黄囊和肝)。目前认为,在人体胚胎期和初生期,骨髓中的一部分多能干细胞或前T细胞迁移到胸腺内,在胸腺激素的诱导下分化成熟,成为具有免疫活性的T细胞。成熟的T细胞经血流分布至外周免疫器官的胸腺依赖区定居,并可经淋巴管、外周血和组织液等进行再循环,发挥细胞免疫及免疫调节等功能。T细胞的再循环有利于广泛接触进入体内的抗原物质,加强免疫应答,较长期保持免疫记忆。T细胞的细胞膜上有许多不同的标志,主要是表面抗原和表面受体。这些表面标志都是结合在细胞膜上的巨蛋白分子。T细胞是相当复杂的不均一体、又不断在体内更新、在同一时间可以存在不同发育阶段或功能的亚群,但目前分类原则和命名比较混乱,尚未统一。按免疫应答中的功能不同,可将T细胞分成若干亚群,一致公认的有:辅助性T细胞(TH),具有协助体液免疫和细胞免疫的功能;抑制性T细胞(TS),具有抑制细胞免疫及体液免疫的功能;效应T细胞(TE),具有释放淋巴因子的功能;细胞毒T细胞(TC),具有杀伤靶细胞的功能;迟发性变态反应T细胞(TD),有参与Ⅳ型变态反应的作用;放大T细胞(TA),可作用于TH和TS,有扩大免疫效果的作用;记忆T细胞(TM),有记忆特异性抗原刺激的作用。T细胞在体内存活的时间可数月至数年。其记忆细胞存活的时间则更长。 T细胞是淋巴细胞的主要组分,它具有多种生物学功能,如直接杀伤靶细胞,辅助或抑制B细胞产生抗体,对特异性抗原和促有丝分裂原的应答反应以及产生细胞因子等,是身体中抵御疾病感染、肿瘤形成的英勇斗士。T细胞产生的免疫应答是细胞免疫,细胞免疫的效应形式主要有两种:与靶细胞特异性结合,破坏靶细胞膜,直接杀伤靶细胞;另一种是释放淋巴因子,最终使免疫效应扩大和增强。T细胞,是由胸腺内的淋巴干细胞分化而成,是淋巴细胞中数量最多,功能最复杂的一类细胞。按其功能可分为三个亚群:辅助性T细胞、抑制性T细胞和细胞毒性T细胞。它们的正常功能对人类抵御疾病非常重要。到目前为止,有关T细胞的演化以及它与癌症的研究取得了不少进展。造血干细胞又称多能干细胞,是存在于造血组织中的一群原始造血细胞。其最大特点是能自身复制和分化,通常处于静止期,当机体需要时,分裂增殖,一部分分化为定向干细胞,受到一定激素刺激后,进一步分化为各系统的血细胞系。其中淋巴干细胞进一步分化有两条途径。一些干细胞迁移到胸腺内,在胸腺激素影响下,大量增殖分化成为成熟淋巴细胞的一个亚群,被称之为T淋巴细胞。T细胞的“T”字,是采用“胸腺”的拉丁文第一个字母命名的。第二个细胞群在类似法氏囊的器官或组织内受激素作用,成熟并分化为淋巴细胞的另一个亚群,被称为B淋巴细胞。B细胞的“B”字,是采用“囊”的拉丁文第一个字母命名的。法氏囊是鸟类特有的结构,位于泄殖腔后上方,囊壁充满淋巴组织。人和哺乳动物无法氏囊,其类似的结构可能是骨髓或肠道中的淋巴组织(集合淋巴结,阑尾等),亦有法氏囊作用。 T细胞不产生抗体,而是直接起作用。所以T细胞的免疫作用叫作“细胞免疫”。B细胞是通过产生抗体起作用。抗体存在于体液里,所以B细胞的免疫作用叫作“体液免疫”。大多数抗原物质在刺激B细胞形成抗体过程中;需T细胞的协助。在某些情况下,T细胞亦有抑制B细胞的作用。如果抑制性T细胞因受感染、辐射、胸腺功能紊乱等因素的影响而功能降低时,B细胞因失去T细胞的控制而功能亢进,就可能产生大量自身抗体,并引起各种自身免疫病。例如系统性红斑狼疮,慢性活动性肝炎、类风湿性关节炎等。同样,在某些情况下,B细胞也可控制或增强T细胞的功能。由此可见,身体中各类免疫反应,不论是细胞免疫还是体液免液,共同构成了一个极为精细、复杂而完善的防卫体系。
    CD4细胞是人体免疫系统中的一种重要免疫细胞,CD4 主要表达于辅助T(Th)细胞,是Th细胞TCR识别抗原的供受体,与MHCⅡ类分子的非多肽区结合,参与Th细胞TCR识别抗原的信号转导,CD4也是HIV的受体,由于艾滋病病毒攻击对象是CD4细胞,所以其检测结果对艾滋病治疗效果的判断和对患者免疫功能的判断有重要作用。正常成人的CD4细胞在每立方毫米500个到1600个,艾滋病病毒感染者的CD4细胞出现进行性或不规则性下降,标志着免疫系统受到严重损害,当CD4细胞小于每立方毫米200个时,可能发生多种机会性感染或肿瘤。艾滋病的感染原理:白细胞是杀灭外来细菌的人体卫士,它主要含CD4与CD8,CD4细胞起到“通风报信”的作用,CD8是吞噬细菌的细胞,当艾滋病毒进入人体后,它会绑架CD4细胞,使CD8细胞成为“瞎子+聋子”,然后艾滋病病毒便侵入白细胞内,将白细胞作为自己繁殖的温床。

AIDS must be treated early to prevent the "infection" and "nutrition" and "immune" three

     Once diagnosed with AIDS, treatment of the issue has been Kunrao experts and doctors, patients and family members of the selection. Settled more than "infection" and "nutrition" and "immune" three tests that will allow the survival time of patients with the extension of the life cycle of 15-24 years; or longer.
     The full name of AIDS, "Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome", is HIV <HIV abbreviated> infected with the human body's immune T lymphocytes injury and loss of immune response immune response to a series of unusual complications leading to a serious threat to human life So that in the course of CD4 immune indicators, such as continued low or falling gradually reduced, bacteria, fungi, mold, microbes and parasites, and so the normal human immune surviving when there is no possibility that a variety of infections, chronic wasting and progressive consumption, low heat, Pneumocystis pneumonia, enteritis stress reaction gastric ulcer, anorexia and malnutrition, and cards poured's sarcoma, oral fungal ulcers, diphtheria oral infection, Yan Bi reactive meningeal inflammation and retrograde package meningitis, as well as other Of sexually transmitted diseases such as syphilis, gonorrhea, condyloma, chancroid, and so continued with, in the end the body serious "infection", malnutrition and immune out of control and lead to lymphoma, lung cancer, tumors of the digestive system, with all kinds of organ failure, Leading to death. The emergence of more serious complications, patients with clinical or late fall that has been the incidence, treatment and micro-efficiency reasons not to complications and lead to complications in the immune defect.
     October 28, 2008, "Xinmin Evening News", according to the Associated Press reported that 26 infectious diseases held in Washington meeting, the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases funded a major research results show that AIDS patients should be earlier To accept medical treatment, not like before when the immune system were seriously damaged when the drug began. The results of this study may change the fate of many AIDS patients. Under the current U.S. government and International AIDS Society's guidance, in patients with AIDS symptoms appear before the blood T cells per mm3 to reduce the number to 350 before the (people's T cells to more than 800), not to take medication. Because the medical profession generally felt that, although since the mid-1990s began to use a combination of drug therapy is effective, but such treatment would cause heart problems, high cholesterol, as well as diarrhea, nausea, and other side effects of drugs than the disease may be more harmful to the body, and resistance Will ultimately reduce drug efficacy. As a result, as far as possible, late treatment can reduce the side effects on the human body injury. But in Washington on the 26th meeting of the Infectious Diseases published the results of research gives a different view, the researchers believe that through research, AIDS patients should do as soon as possible and to start treatment as soon as possible, which would effectively extend the life of patients. From 1996 to 2006, at the University of Washington at Seattle, MA • Dr. Jitahata led by researchers in the United States and Canada followed up 8374 in the number of T cells between 351-500 people living with AIDS. 30% of the patients beginning to take drugs, other patients are in compliance with guidance, when T cells was reduced to 350 following treatment. "We found that 70% T cells in the 351-500 between the treatment of patients, compared with no treatment in patients with the situation turns for the better." Jitahata said. University of California at San Diego the first director of the infectious disease research projects in Dr. Madescu • Robert believes that "all the studies have shown that the treatment we started too late. I need to start using drugs." Shkodra, Dr. AIDS Society to assist the preparation of guidance, as well as more than the production company anti-AIDS drugs to provide advice. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Director Dr. Anthony • Mahfouz said the drug therapy as well as to improve the new research will give further impetus to re-examine the doctors guidance. He predicted that doctors guidance to be amended before they will allow patients to receive medical treatment earlier. In recent years, and the new combination drug therapy side effects are getting smaller and smaller. There are a number of treatments per day just to take 1-2 tablets, has also been taking a long time is not a problem. But the bigger problem lies in the fact that one-third of the AIDS virus (HIV) carriers too late to be infected with the AIDS diagnosis, when their T cell count has dropped to below 350 or have been suffering from serious complications. "It is too late and found to be infected with the HIV." Hebrew Boston's Brigham Women's Hospital AIDS expert Dr. Daniel • Treasury Rui Zike said. "The new research results further show that, as soon as possible confirmed the importance of being infected with HIV." According to the report, each year about 56,300 Americans infected with HIV, the virus will destroy immune cells to help ward off bacterial invasion of T cells. Once the T cells were broken ring, the patient will be caught in a series of deadly disease. AIDS prevention and treatment in Chinese medicine when the "slow doctor," the same play.
     Since 2004, the State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine held in 15 provinces nationwide organization of the Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS pilot projects, results are obvious. The use of Chinese medicine to reduce or eliminate AIDS, fever, diarrhea, mouth ulcers and other symptoms; improve immune function in AIDS patients, part of the reduction in the number of influenza patients, the ability to work to restore; period of asymptomatic HIV-infected people, the disease has slowed the speed of trends; and Part of the anti-viral drugs to reduce side effects. Many of the provinces in the project are willing to accept patients with Chinese medicine treatment.
Reduce deaths and life-prolonging AIDS medicines will be effective to ensure that
     Kang Sheng Liu Dan capsule was invented by physicians treating AIDS drug patent medicine, since 2002, clinical treatment of patients since about the lives of thousands of patients and quality of life, physical symptoms of disease, as well as a variety of complications have been mitigation and control, made in After a certain recognition; experiments confirmed that the T lymphocytes and enhance the function of CD4 significantly in the short term of three months in complete control of symptoms in patients with advanced; early treatment of patients with early stage there are no complications. Of the patients treated with statistics, 98% efficiency, the remission rate of 85%, T lymphocyte CD4 and increased 92%, the current treatment of patients with HIV-negative, only a few dozen cases of patients.
     According to incomplete statistics: Kang Sheng capsule recovery in patients with AIDS is expected to become another gospel, opened up a Chinese medicine to reduce AIDS deaths and to extend the effective life of the guarantee.
Chinese Association of STD prevention and treatment of AIDS consultant Professor Lv Weibo, and other experts in Chinese medicine for the treatment of AIDS evaluation of the significant effects of this phenomenon, said: "The serum antibody negative is the treatment of AIDS drugs that can achieve the best results, experts in China with Chinese proprietary treatment , Serum antibody negative patients, the disease transformed for the better, on the one hand, the incidence of AIDS that the process is not irreversible, treatment can be reversed. On the other hand also means that Chinese medicine treatment for people with traditional Chinese medicine for treatment Have a certain hope that, at the same time show people toward clinical cure or cure AIDS, the goal of a step forward. "AIDS as a result of HIV infection with immune deficiencies caused by the first decline in T cells, CD4 testing indicators fell; is the most significant clinical The observation targets. The lower the CD4, suggesting that HIV infection as a result of their own immune response system as a whole declined. Thymus-dependent T lymphocyte cells (thymus dependent lymphocyte). Also referred to as T cells. From the bone marrow stem cells (embryonic period from the yolk sac and liver). At present, that in human fetal and newborn period, a part of the bone marrow stem cells, or T cells, before moving to the thymus, in the thymus of hormone-induced differentiation of mature and become immune activity of T cells. Mature T cells by the distribution of blood flow to peripheral immune organs of the thymus-dependent areas to settle in, and by the lymphatic vessels, peripheral blood and tissue fluid, such as recycling, and immune immune cells play a regulating function, and so on. T cells in favor of recycling extensive contacts with the antigen into the body material, to strengthen the immune response, the more long-term immune memory. T cells in the cell membrane there are many different signs, mainly on the surface and surface antigen receptor. These surface markers are combined in the cell membrane of the giant protein molecules. T cells are very complex one uneven, constantly updated in the body, at the same time there are different stages of development or function of the subgroups, but the principles of classification and naming is a bit confusing, not yet unified. According to the function of the immune response, T cells can be divided into several subgroups, which is widely recognized were: T helper cells (TH), with the assistance of humoral immune cells and immune functions; suppressive T cells (TS), with inhibition Cell-mediated immunity and humoral immune functions; effect of T cells (TE), with the release of lymphokines functions; cytotoxic T cells (TC), with a target of anti-cell function; delayed allergic T cells (TD), have taken part in Ⅳ allergic-type role; enlarge T cells (TA), may act on the TH and TS, to expand the role of the immune effect; memory T cells (TM), there are memory-specific antigen stimulation. T cells in the body's survival time can be several months to several years. Its memory cell survival time is longer. T lymphocyte cells is the main component, which has a variety of biological functions, such as anti-direct target cells, support or inhibit B cells to produce antibodies against specific antigens and mitogenic response of the original, as well as produce cytokines, such as it is In the body against infection diseases, tumors formed by the heroic fighter. T cells of the immune response is cellular immunity, cellular immunity effect, there are two main forms: with the target cell-specific, target cell membrane damage, direct anti-target cells; and the other is the release of lymphokines, ultimately expanding Immunization effect and增强. T cells from the thymus is the differentiation of stem cells from lymph, is the largest number of lymphocytes, one of the most complex types of cells. According to their function can be divided into three subgroups: T helper cells, inhibition of cytotoxic T cells and T cells. Their normal function of the human disease is very important to resist. So far, the T cell and its evolution and cancer research has made considerable progress. Hematopoietic stem cells, also known as multipotent stem cells, is present in the blood of the Organization of the original group of hematopoietic cells. Its most prominent feature is to divide and replicate themselves, usually in a quiescent period when the body needs, the proliferation and differentiation of stem cells for the orientation, subject to certain hormones to stimulate further into the blood system cells. Lymphoid stem cells which are further divided two ways. Some of the stem cells migrate to the thymus, under the influence of hormones in the thymus, a large number of proliferation and differentiation into mature cells of a subgroup, called T lymphocytes. T cells "T" word is "thymus" the Latin name of the first letter. The second group of cells in the bursa similar to the organ or tissue by the hormone, mature and differentiate into other cell subsets, known as B lymphocytes. B cells "B" word, is a "capsule" of the Latin name of the first letter. Bursa is the unique structure of the birds, is located at the top of the post-cloacal, the wall is full of lymphoid tissue. And non-mammals Bursa, which may be similar to the structure of the bone marrow or lymph tissue in the intestinal tract (collection of lymph nodes, appendix, etc.), there are also the role of Bursa. T cells do not produce antibodies, but a direct role. Therefore, the role of immune T cells called "cell-mediated immunity." B cells produce antibodies work through. Antibodies found in body fluids, so the role of immune B cells known as the "humoral immunity." Most of the material in the antigen to stimulate B cells in the process of the formation of antibodies; need the assistance of T cells. In some cases, T cells, B cells also inhibited. If the result of the suppression of T cell infection, radiation, thymus gland dysfunction and other factors and features to reduce time, B cells, T cells as a result of the loss of control of hyperthyroidism may have a large number of autoantibodies, and cause a variety of autoimmune diseases. Such as systemic lupus erythematosus, chronic active hepatitis, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Similarly, in some cases, B cells can also control or enhance T cell function. This shows that all types of immune responses in the body, whether or humoral immune cell-free liquid, constitute a very sophisticated, complex and well-defense system.
     To sum up: T cells is that none of the above diseases have an important role; in immunology AIDS has a very important clinical significance. When the human body after HIV infection, first of all, T is the result of a sharp decline in the number of cells, leading to weakened immune cells; the body can not identify the normal immune T cells and HIV in order to contain the disease gene into the T cells in the body's immune system, the emergence of a series of abnormal immune Reaction; lead to lack of cellular immunity, in the absence of antigen material with the assistance of T cells, showing abnormal metabolism, a large amount of HIV antibodies. This is the early detection of HIV-infection to AIDS diagnosis based on the principal.
     CD4 cells are the body's immune system is an important immune cells, CD4 expression on the main auxiliary T (Th) cells, Th cells is TCR recognition of the antigen receptor for, and MHC Ⅱ class of non-peptide area, to participate in Th cells TCR antigen recognition of the signal transduction, CD4 receptor is also HIV, the AIDS virus due to targeted attacks CD4 cells, so the test results on AIDS treatment and to determine the effect on immune function in patients with the judge plays an important role. Normal CD4 cells in the adult per mm3 500-1600, HIV-infected people to carry out the CD4 cells or irregular decline, marking the immune system was badly damaged when the CD4 cells per mm3 less than 200 hours , And possible a variety of opportunistic infections or tumors. AIDS infection principle: WBC is to kill bacteria in human rights defenders, mainly with CD4 and CD8, CD4 cells play the role of "tipping off" the role, CD8 cells, the bacteria is swallowed, when HIV enters the human body, it will be abducted CD4 cells, so that the CD8 cells to become "deaf, blind +", and then they invaded white blood HIV, the WBC as a breeding ground for the propagation of their own.
     Kang Sheng Dan selection of luxury Chinese medicine Cordyceps sinensis, deer horn and American ginseng, red ginseng, Scorpio, centipede, Euphorbia, Shilong up more than a taste, and so on, through a special extraction process, the essence extracted ingredient, preparation of new drugs for the treatment of AIDS. The main drugs in a variety of ingredients to enhance T cell recognition and normal T cells, T cells were normal with the combination of HIV and HIV combination of T cells in the drug under the separation of organic, and stripping off, HIV as a result of the loss of open main supply and nutrition The loss of habitat and the survival of biological activity, the loss of activity of HIV on their own necrosis, kill, apoptosis; at the same time, T cells specific to play a strong growth of immune cells, the body metabolism is back to normal. Kang Sheng Dan mechanism: one, induced activation of the immune response system to restore the immune response so that the role of immune cells to restore and enhance CD4; II: suppression, killing, apoptosis HIV. And the killing of its suppression, apoptosis HIV rely largely on the role of T cells to restore the role of immune cells, immune cells and improve the recognition, identification and separation, peeling off and HIV combined, so that the locus combination of the loss of biological activity of HIV, the only real To play the role of anti-HIV. This is also the recruitment of Chinese medicine "keep healthy, do not be evil; up by the evil, the gas will empty," the harmony between man and nature, yin and yang, and together with the original solid-phase, endowments, such as the essence of the theory of nuclear support. All in all, Dan Kang Sheng Chinese medicine treatment of AIDS is of the essence and explore the practical application of the model, many patients with clinically from the beginning of a very low CD4 quickly raised to the normal range, and also to verify the theory of value; related to a deeper level The role, we need further study.
    In clinical treatment, it is first necessary to grasp the "infection" and "nutrition" and "immune" three is the key to effective treatment of AIDS, but also extend the life of patients, the ultimate guarantee of rehabilitation.
    Kwan is the first emergence of infection and morbidity since the beginning of the death of late have been accompanied by the treatment of problems. Kwan to capture the infection, a simple anti-inflammatory, anti-virus, anti-fungal, anti-fungal, and parasitic microbes to kill all vital signs of patients will survive and continue to reduce cycle; the only solution is to activate the immune Chinese medicine, immune Control, immune-induced immune to resume. Zenmeyangzuo Chinese medicine to the immunization of more than 4:00, Dan Kang Sheng in the 13 years of scientific research and clinical 6-year, a good sign; in the cases of more than 1,000 patients, most of the medication 3 months to be complications of control ; Control of its complications is the principle of special component of the immune activation, immune regulation, immune-induced immune recovery to achieve; to make the infection has been effective customs control and treatment; after treatment and did not appear repeatedly with the rebound. We have a strong statistical and experimental findings, the drug slowly in the role of T lymphocytes and enhance the mechanism of CD4, is fundamental.
    Nutrition related death is yet another problem. Long-term anti-infective drugs is a serious side effect Nutrition First of all obstacles; nutrition obstacles in the performance of the lack of nutrition, malnutrition and the nutritional aspects of the three obstacles. How to solve the above problem? Nutrition an important visual delivery of the drug, and the regulation of nutrition is more important; the need to diet and dietary, and the spirit of the three ideas to the role. More importantly, including the spleen and stomach diseases induced by the treatment and rehabilitation.
    AIDS is immune clearance of the Kun Rao life-long problem as well as treatment and rehabilitation of key importance is the first to be affected, the other can not change the treatment. Only scientific, standard and reasonable immunotherapy, is the protection of AIDS patients. For the body's immune system is the role of the barrier, the barrier effect against the disease. Strengthen the immune system and weakened the human body depends on the coordination of the various systems, the environment and of course the various changes in the human body; human tissues, organs and functions of the changes in the coordination of various organizations, improve the function of organs and immune to perfection To the United States, playing in to reach.
    Kang Sheng Dan 13 years experience of research and six years of clinical tests, confirmed that the "infection" and "nutrition" and "immunity" of the three photo transfer, the only effective treatment for AIDS; appear adjustable controlled scientific role. Therefore, we recommend that patients: an immediate treatment once diagnosed, prompt treatment, comprehensive prevention and treatment, protection of life and effective rehabilitation.
                                                      November 8, 2008 inventor Dan Liu Kang Sheng


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