
刘君 原创 | 2009-07-26 15:49 | 收藏 | 投票















Licorice on AIDS prevention and treatment of the role of
AIDS (AIDS) by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection caused by defects in T cell immune function mainly of a mixed immune deficiency disease. It is the body's immune system to the most important target T4 lymphocytes as a large number of phagocytosis, destruction of T4 lymphocytes, thus making the entire destruction of the body's immune system, and ultimately the loss of the body's resistance to various diseases which may cause death. Scientists to the virus called "human immunodeficiency virus", which can attack people's immune system, reduce and, ultimately, destruction of the body's immune function. With the reduction of the human immune system, people will more and more frequently infected with various pathogenic micro-organisms, and the extent of infection will become more and more to reset, and there will be a variety of complex infection leading to death. Although the world is not a drug to cure AIDS, but recent study found that Chinese medicine licorice AIDS prevention and treatment of a certain degree of efficacy.

First, the characteristics of AIDS

When the collapse of the HIV virus the body's immune system, people will be infected with a variety of diseases. Because of HIV in living cells only from one to another living cells outside the human body can only survive a few seconds, so not susceptible to AIDS, but only human beings would be infected with HIV. Thus, to the expert use of animals caused by pathological studies is extremely difficult.

Second, licorice on AIDS prevention and treatment of the role of

1. Glycyrrhizic origin

Licorice, also known as beet, honey grass, the United States and grass, is a leguminous plant, grows in dry grasslands Xiangyang of calcium as well as the riparian land of sandy soil. The main origin in China's northeast, northwest, north area, Siberia and the Urals regions of production. Ju Meng, Inner Mongolia China Hangjinqi produced the best quality of licorice. Ancient Chinese medical scientists in clinical practice for thousands of years have been good at using licorice.

2. Performance and the effectiveness of licorice

Theory of Chinese medicine Glycyrrhiza Gan, Ping, hepatic, spleen, lung, it can reconcile the various drugs, cold and heat evil attending organs, the five-TB injuries can Moistening Lung detoxification, and the priorities.

The role of a wide range of licorice, there are anti-inflammatory, anti-allergic, anti-convulsive, anti-tumor, analgesic, diuretic and so on. According to laboratory analysis of 18 kinds of Chinese licorice, which contains glycyrrhizin accounted for 3.6 to 13.06%. In addition, it contains a water-soluble material, reducing sugar, starch, and other glial elements. Among these components, the active ingredient of AIDS is glycyrrhizin.

3. Glycyrrhizin refining

Now Japan is from Afghanistan, Iran and other raw materials to import large quantities of licorice, glycyrrhizin extract used. According to test-tube experiments, in HIV-infected cells, 0.25 mg per milliliter of glycyrrhizin, the survival of cells still survived; without glycyrrhizin with HIV, almost all cells die. Glycyrrhizin easily extract, process simple, cheap price.

III clinical trials of the effect of glycyrrhizin

Glycyrrhizic low toxicity, side effects. A large number of long-term use, about 20% of people may be edema, body weakness, dizziness, high blood pressure symptoms. Appropriate use, is expected to avoid these side effects. 

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