
    http://www.hebnews.cn 2011-05-27 17:15 来源:河北新闻网 责任编辑:张娜




河北新闻网讯(记者张娜 通讯员陈志明、范里军)“艾滋病毒能通过蚊虫叮咬传播吗?”“能”、“不能”……5月22日,在唐山市玉田县,一场特殊的性病艾滋病防艾培训班正在举行。说其特殊,是因为与会的41名被培训者,全部是该市农村的男同性恋者。据悉,以省为单位对农村男同性恋进行防艾干预在全国尚属首次。




“较之城市而言,农村男同性恋人群隐蔽性更强、受传统观念歧视更重,比城市男同性恋群体更加难以接触。” 子寒介绍说,近两年来,河北同心缘工作组针对农村男同性恋人群特点,对农村男同性恋人群防艾干预工作进行了积极探索,初步总结出了“真情法感召、零距离接触、全方位干预”的农村男同性恋干预方法,在多个城市进行了农村男同性恋性病艾滋病干预探索。



MSM是英文men who have sex with men的简称,意即"男性性接触人群",主要指男同性恋者,广义上也涵盖了在男性之间发生性接触、性行为的异性恋者和双性恋者。







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The first gay AIDS prevention interventions in rural areas of Hebei pilot set up (Photo)
http://www.hebnews.cn 2011-05-27 17:15 Source: Hebei, News Editor: Zhang Na

MSM AIDS prevention interventions in rural areas of Tangshan spot distribution of condoms

May 22, the gay men in rural areas of Tangshan first course of STD and AIDS interventions, to do a mobilization speech the Secretary-General Chan Chi Ming

Hebei News Network (news correspondent Zhiming Zhang Na, Fan in the military) "HIV spread through mosquito bites you?" "Could," "can not" ... ... May 22, Yutian County, Tangshan City, a special of STD and AIDS AIDS prevention training course is being held. That their special, because the 41 participants who were trained, all the city's gay men in rural areas. It is reported that the provincial unit of the AIDS prevention intervention for rural gay men first of its kind in the country.

"The study found the residual mosquito mouth only 0.00004 ml blood, such as the figure to 2,800 bites, in order to have enough residual blood infection caused by HIV virus. And, when with the AIDS virus After inhalation of blood by a mosquito, the AIDS virus in the mosquito digestive 2-3 days Jibei, destruction and completely disappear. And once the smoke of mosquito blood meal, after the complete digestion to wait until after the vampire bite again. Therefore, no matter which way means the possibility of mosquito-borne AIDS can be said that does not exist. To date, been found by a mosquito or insect bites and reports of HIV infection. "Tangshan City CDC AIDS prevention experts, chief of STD and AIDS patient pre-Wei explained solve everyone's questions.

Course, the provincial Preventive Medicine mobilization speech the Secretary-General Chan Chi Ming do the opening, and to gay men to sexually transmitted diseases in rural AIDS interventions carried out to explain the significance. Tangshan City CDC AIDS prevention experts on rural gay STD and AIDS knowledge in a special lecture. Hebei MSM AIDS prevention NGO Cooperation Forum Secretary-General sub-Cambrian to the proper use of condoms, STD prevention among gay men pay attention to such matters were explained through interactive games. Event, also broadcast from Hebei concentric edge of the working group created the gay AIDS Prevention edited music radio "love", and many people left the tears of emotion, and that some actively engaged in AIDS prevention activities.

It is understood that the training is supported by the National AIDS Control Project funded social mobilization, first carried out in the rural areas of Tangshan City, MSM STD intervention project. This project sponsored by the Preventive Medicine, Hebei Province, Hebei MSM AIDS prevention NGO Cooperation Forum contractors. Since its inception in April, has worked in Xingtai, Baoding, Langfang all gay men in rural areas to carry out a comprehensive intervention of STD and AIDS, a total of nearly 200 participated in the training of rural gay men, condoms 2500, nearly 500 anti-aids publicity materials.

"Compared with cities, gay men in rural areas a more subtle, by the traditional concept of discrimination is more important than the urban gay community is more difficult to reach." Sub-cold, said the past two years, Hebei concentric edge of the working group for rural men characteristics of gay people, gay men in rural AIDS prevention interventions are actively exploring a preliminary summary of the "True Law of attraction, close, comprehensive intervention" intervention in rural gay men in several cities of rural men Gay exploration of STD and AIDS interventions.

Chan Chi-ming, secretary general of Preventive Medicine, Hebei Province, said the social mobilization at the national AIDS prevention programs with the support of the provincial units for AIDS prevention interventions in rural gay men first time in the country, as project sponsors, Hebei Province Preventive Medicine, AIDS prevention and civil society organizations will be close, "AIDS Prevention in Hebei MSM NGO Cooperation Forum" in cooperation for the project more practical experience and methods.

News extended: What is MSM?

MSM is the English men who have sex with men in short, which means "male sexual contact group" mainly refers to male homosexuals, in the broad sense also covers sexual contact between men, heterosexual sex and bisexual persons.

May 21, carried out by rural gay men Langfang first training course of STD and AIDS interventions

May 22, the gay men in rural areas of Tangshan first course of STD and AIDS interventions, AIDS prevention during the Tangshan CDC AIDS prevention expert knowledge to explain

May 7, carried out by rural gay men Xingtai initial training of STD and AIDS interventions

May 14, conducted by gay men in rural areas of Baoding first training course of STD and AIDS interventions


[ 作者:佚名    转贴自:本站原创    点击数:196    更新时间:2011-5-28    文章录入:nnb ]


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