



http://www.sina.com.cn  2009年05月22日11:37  深圳晚报




  中国日报供本报特稿 目前,甲型H1N1流感还在全球肆虐。



























This is a fatal disease 5
05 years http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 day 22 on the Shenzhen Evening News 11:37


Niger's two children to prevent meningitis vaccine inoculation.

A 4-year-old patient to receive treatment of cholera in Zimbabwe.

India's fight against AIDS campaign.

Feature for this newspaper China Daily At present, H1N1 Type A influenza is still a global epidemic.

However, Type A H1N1 influenza virus is far from being the world's most terrible virus. U.S. "Foreign Policy" magazine recently summed up specially for almost half a century poses a serious threat to all mankind of 5 diseases, cholera, meningitis, AIDS, Ebola virus, dengue fever, which is the most terrible ... ...

1. Cholera

Definition: Vibrio cholerae Cholera is caused by acute gastro-intestinal diseases, often through water, food, live contact and flies such as the spread of acute onset, spread rapidly, the magnitude of Canton, a serious threat. By water-borne is the most important route of transmission of cholera, a wider range of previous outbreaks of epidemic or water contaminated with the relevant.

Outbreak to: World Health Organization, said cholera on a permanent threat to all mankind, and the growing threat. In recent decades, mainly in cholera in many parts of Africa, South Asia and Latin America in some places the outbreak.

The recent outbreak of record: According to historical records, a total of 7 cholera pandemic. In 1817 to 1923 of over a hundred years, a total of 6 outbreaks, summits resulted in incalculable losses, more than tens of millions of deceased.

The 7th cholera pandemic occurred in 1961, from Indonesia, and then spread to other countries in Asia and Europe; to Africa in 1970, a hundred years no trace of cholera in Africa suffer from this. Harassment of cholera in Latin America in 1991, one year resulted in 400,000 cases and 4,000 dead, only the economic losses in Peru amounted to 770 million U.S. dollars.

A recent large outbreak of cholera in Zimbabwe. According to a recent WHO report shows that Zimbabwe since August 2008 since the outbreak of cholera epidemic, the number of infections has more than 96,000, of which more than 4200 people died.

2. Meningitis

Definition: meningitis and cerebral spinal fluid is the liquid surrounding induced by bacterial infection and disease. Such bacteria are more sensitive to antibiotics, early detection and treatment can be cured. The main symptoms of meningitis are fever, severe headache and neck stiffness, such as, if not treated, the patient may lose consciousness or even death.

Outbreak to: sub-Saharan Africa are the areas where the frequency of meningitis. According to the World Health Organization, the East Africa from Ethiopia, west of the 21 countries of Senegal is a high incidence of meningitis in the region.

The recent outbreak of record: since since January 2009, Africa's Niger, Nigeria and Chad, a total of three countries more than 2000 people died of meningitis. This currently only 3 countries on the 56,000 diagnosed patients with meningitis.

Meningitis epidemic in Nigeria this year than the much more serious than originally estimated. Nigeria Ministry of Health statistics show that over the past two months, the number of meningitis cases in Nigeria increased by 8 percent, reaching 47,902 cases, while the death toll from the Ministry of Health announced early in March this year, more than 300 people to 2000 people.


Definition: AIDS, the English transliteration of the acronym AIDS, was infected with the human body, "human immunodeficiency virus" (HIV), also known as a result of HIV infection.

Outbreak to: June 5, 1981, the United States Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, the "morbidity and mortality weekly" briefed on the five cases of patients with a history of AIDS, which is the world's first official records relating to AIDS.

The recent outbreak of record: in July 2008, UNAIDS issued a "2008 report on the state of the AIDS epidemic." The report states that the total number of AIDS patients worldwide are still high.

4. Ebola virus

Definition: Ebola virus, Ebola virus and translated, is a can cause humans and primates have a potent Ebola haemorrhagic fever virus infectious diseases, high mortality, in the 50-90% between. Against Ebola virus is currently no effective drugs, there is no standard for the Ebola virus treatment.

Outbreak: The Ebola virus has not yet identified the source of infection, but many researchers think it is coming from infected animals. So far, Uganda, Congo (Kinshasa), Gabon, Sudan and Cote d'Ivoire outbreak incidents of human infection.

The recent outbreak of record: The most recent large outbreak of Ebola virus in February this year the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), a total of 32 cases confirmed, 15 people were killed, but the same situation occurred in less than two years ago, the country's serious epidemic . In 2007, Congo (Kinshasa) outbreak of the Ebola epidemic, which killed 160 people.

5. Dengue fever

Definition: Dengue fever is caused by dengue virus, according to an acute mosquito-borne diseases. Incidence of clinical features for fast, high fever, body muscle, bone and joint pain, extreme fatigue, some patients have skin rashes, bleeding tendency, and lymph nodes.

Outbreak to: the disease in 1779 in Cairo, Egypt, Indonesia, Jakarta and the United States found in the Philadelphia and named for the joints, according to symptoms of heat and thermal fracture. London, England in 1869 by the Royal Society of Medicine named as dengue fever.

The recent outbreak of record: February 2009, the north Queensland tourist destination in Australia since 2004 outbreak the most serious outbreak of dengue fever, of which there are 226 tourist destination Cairns people are infected, the patient, including more than babies.

Since January this year, the northern region of Argentina is also a serious outbreak of dengue fever epidemic. According to official statistics show that the country now more than 7700 cases of dengue fever cases.

In addition, Bolivia, Brazil, Paraguay and other South American countries have also emerged and the rapid spread of dengue fever epidemic. (Fang Ying)

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