
刘君 原创 | 2009-07-01 13:08 | 收藏 | 投票


          2009-4-9 13:49 ,应山西患者“小卫”的的要求,我们出笼了“发明艾滋病新药免费救治征集媒体见证人”的活动。活动联接∶ http://www.chinavalue.net/Blog/BlogThread.aspx?EntryID=146300

          2009-6-30 16:33 ,此活动得到了价值中国网网友王维成 的文章 如何实现价值中国网的具体价值?联接∶





        再来说说患者“小卫”,真名张某某,山西人,1997年确诊患HIV,2004年受到党和国家领导人※※※等的接见,并在众多明星的资助下出版了书籍“小卫--我的艾滋独白”,由民族出版社出版,现在家里还有1000多本在库存。这个   http://www.zyynb.com/admin/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=5858 是我们帮他宣传出售书籍的网址;也希望更多的朋友了解我们的事业与我们所从事的工作,给予支持或帮助;我谨代表同行、患者感谢你们。


艾滋病免疫重建的重要意义是挽救生命的根本 点击 213

从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙〔康生丹四代〕介绍  点击 567

从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药三合皂甙  点击 245

从食品植物研究开发的治疗艾滋病新药介绍  点击 189

艾滋病的中药  点击 56

论HIV不是AIDS的病因机制 点击 78

康生丹颗粒简介 点击 67

美国营养学家推崇“抗炎饮食”同于中医之食疗 点击 123

康生丹颗粒基础研究 点击 59

艾滋病预防及国外食疗研究 点击 61

艾滋病感染者能活多久 点击  232

专家:艾滋病早治疗能多活30年以上“隐形”感染者进入晚期才被确诊 点击 99

T细胞、T细胞亚群、 调节性(或抑制性)T细胞在艾滋病康复中的研究 点击 89

你知道为什么害怕“艾滋病”这三个字么?艾滋病不同感染期症状 点击 1118

康生丹颗粒〈ksd〉对免疫抑制模型小鼠免疫功能影响实验研究-公布  点击 27

食疗与艾滋病研究-康生丹颗粒〈一〉  点击 159

艾滋病未来康复的动向分析  点击 227

艾滋病人的药膳  点击 43

首次公布康生丹提高艾滋病患者CD4的图片  点击 1379

The value of China's network of friends concerned about the "invention of AIDS treatment drugs free of charge collection media witnesses"

         2009-4-9 13:49, Shanxi patients should be "small-wei" in the request, we came out of "the invention of new drugs for free treatment of AIDS, the media witnesses collection" activities. Activities connected: http://www.chinavalue.net/Blog/BlogThread.aspx?EntryID=146300

         2009-6-30 16:33, this event has been the value of net users in China as Wang's article on how to achieve China's net value of the specific value? Link: http://www.chinavalue.net/Blog/BlogThread.aspx?EntryID=172236

         Today, more than written records, the purpose of play activities in order to better the social significance; also love to witness the value of China's netizens moment.

         AIDS is endangering human health around the world the most terrible diseases, date; have led to the death of 35 million records. With the growing prosperity of society, increased growth. This field of research scientists, medical scientists and experts busy day; vaccine failure, drug resistance. . . . . . People struggled with a serious problem?

        Since 1993, Mr. Liu Jun from the Chinese way of research, and gradually developed Kang Sheng Dan generation, second generation, three generations of particles
〕 〔Dan Kang Sheng, the four-generation San saponins, chemical composition monomer. At present, four generations in particular biological三合saponins inhibit plaque formation of HIV drug, T cell disorder, such as immunological memory to enhance the application of pharmacological effects and clinical efficacy of a stable and good.

       Patients come back to talk about "Little Guardian", real name
张某某, from Shanxi, who in 1997 diagnosed HIV, 2004 years by the party and state leaders such as ※ ※ ※ met, and the financial support of the many Star published a book of "small The Guardian - living with my monologue, "published by the nation, and now there are more than 1000 homes in inventory this. This is our http://www.zyynb.com/admin/Article_Show.asp?ArticleID=5858 the sale of books to help him promote the site; also hope that more friends to understand our cause and our work to give support or help; I, on behalf of colleagues, thank you for your patients.

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