
孙胜林 原创 | 2009-02-22 13:35 | 收藏 | 投票


"I think it is a fairly common phenomenon in China for foreigners to get angry and make snide remarks when we hear the government make comments about how they will have a peaceful rise to world power or how they will be number one by 2050. I must admit something in me shutters when I hear it. But recently I have started to think about it in a new way"
当听到(中国)政府说他们将如何和平崛起,如何在2050前成为世界头号强国的时候, 生活在中国的老外变得比较愤怒和说一些违心的附和的话,是很平常的现象. 我得承认,当我听到的时候,我也是.但是,最近,我开始以新的方式思考它
"I love history and I have been reading Chinese and Russian history for years. One thing that stands out is that China and Russia have been made the bogy man by Western Europe and the US for the most part of the last two hundred years. From the great game in Central Asia to the Boxer Rebellion of 1900, western history has demonized eastern empires"
"You never see documentaries about the Russians taking Paris, but rather we always see the heroic battle of Waterloo. You do not hear about the British conquest of Tibet, but rather about the evil Red Guards and the sacking of Lhasa "
你从来没有看到过俄国占领了巴黎,相反,我们总是看到英雄般的滑铁卢之战. 你从来没有听说英国占领了西藏,相反,看到的是恶魔般的红卫兵以及他们洗劫了拉萨.
"Sure the US has done some good things in the world, I cannot debate that. The US has had periodic lapses of selfishness and greed and done some good things, but generally speaking US foreign policy is need based. If they see a need, they are willing to help, no benefit, no help"
是的,美国在世界上做了些好事,我不去争论它. 美国的自私和贪婪阶段性减弱的时候,做了些好事.但总体上,美国的外交政策是基于需要. 如果他们看到了需要,他们乐于去帮助他国.没有利益,没有帮助
Where do we get it from and where did we learn this from? I would argue that this Empire attitude goes back not to Vietnam, not to Korea, but rather it is a borrowed strategy from the playbook of “our best friends” the British
我们如何得知和从那里得知? 我不想说越南,也不想提朝鲜,相反,我愿意从我们最好的朋友--英国讲起
The old Empire playbook reads like Sunzi’s Art of War on how to wage war on all continents in the name of Empire. They look so docile and friendly now, but read the histories of India, Afghanistan, and Tibet to name a few. The British aren’t so cuddly if you are on piece of land they want
"So are these isolated incidents? Is it just the US and Britain? No, it’s every European country that has had visions of Empire. From Caesar and Alexander to Hitler and Napoleon, they have all wanted to make the world, or part of it, theirs and furthermore did little to really try to understand the culture of the people they were invading"
这些是孤立的事件吗? 它仅仅发生在美国和英国吗? 不是,每一个有愿景的西欧国家都如此. 从凯撒大帝和亚历山大到希特勒和拿破仑,他们全部都是想占领整个世界,或者是世界的一部分. 他们很少真正尝试去理解所侵略国的人民的文化
"So what’s my point you may be asking. My point is that many foreigners living in China walk around pointing fingers at the Chinese and talk about how great and fair their countries are, and how China isn’t"
你也许会问我的观点是什么. 我的观点是, 一些在中国的老外到处对中国人指指点点,说自己的国家是如何伟大和公平,而中国如何不是
"Well I would say that to some degree it might be better, but it’s probably that we have all just gotten so used to our own countries problems that we make excuses for them, or worse don’t think they exist. I say if our countries cannot be better, even though most of them are democracies that hold elections and support free speech, how can we criticize the Chinese for the same problems? At least they can honestly say that they can’t do anything about it"
某种程度上,我们是好的.但是我们自己经历过全部的问题,甚至他们没存在过的更糟的问题. 尽管我们的国家是民主的,可以选举和有言论自由,但是如果我们不是更好,我们如何可以就同样的问题批评中国? 至少,他们可以说,他们不用那样做
"Sometimes I am jealous of the Chinese being able to say that they cannot make change. It’s a joke and a lie that we were raised to believe we can do anything if we put our minds to it, because some things are out of reach and that’s just how it is. Life isn’t a Hollywood movie"
有时候,我嫉妒中国人说他们不用改变.我们尽力相信,如果我们更用心,我们可以做好一切.但它是一个笑话和谎言,因为许多事情失控了. 事实就是如此. 生活不是好莱坞电影
"It’s embarrassing to be an American sometimes with so many people on their moral high horses preaching about values, religion, and human rights. I say let the Chinese rule the world since they want to so badly. Then we can just sit back, relax, and let them sort everything out, and best of all , catch all the flak"
有时候,对美国人来说是窘迫的,因为一些美国人占在道德的高头大马上宣扬他们的价值观,信仰和人权. 要我说,既然中国人想变的更糟, 那么就让中国人去统治世界.然后我们坐的靠后一点,轻松轻松,让他们去摆平所有事情.
"In fact I would say that the only thing bad or really different that would come out of a world ruled by China is bad internet connections and a lot of bad kung fu movies about emperors. I say let the revolution begin"
实际上, 如果中国统治了世界, 带给世界的唯一坏事或者不同是Internet连接比较差和一大堆与帝王将相有关的烂功夫片.那么就让变革开始吧! 
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