
胡良 原创 | 2020-06-28 14:50 | 收藏 | 投票
关键词亥姆霍兹自由能吉布斯自由能 背景空间,温度,熵,不确定性原理
Helmholtz free energy (free energy) is a thermodynamic parameter in physics, equal to the product of internal energy minus absolute temperature and entropy, and reveals the connotation of the maximum work output of a reversible isothermal and isometric process.
μ,表达化学势,每个基本粒子的平均吉布斯自由能 ,量纲,[L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)]
The expression is: A=U-TS, where,
A, express Helmholtz free energy (free energy), dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
U, the internal energy of the expression system, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
T, expressing temperature, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
S, expression entropy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)].
In addition, the differential expression of Helmholtz free energy (free energy) is:
dA=-SdT-PdV+μdN, where,
P, expression pressure, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
V, expression volume, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)];
μ, expressing the chemical potential, the average Gibbs free energy of each elementary particle, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
N, expressing the number of particles, dimension, [L^(0)T^(0)].
Looking further, free energy is part of the internal energy of the system, and this part (free energy) can be converted successfully in the reversible isothermal process. In an isothermal process where the number of particles is constant, the work done by the system to the outside world must be less than (or equal to) the reduction of its free energy, that is, the reduction of the system's free energy is what the system does to the outside world during the isothermal process Maximum work.
最大功定理可表达为Aa - Ab ≥ -W,其中,
Ab ,系统终点的亥姆霍兹自由能量纲,[L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)]
如果是等温等容过程,W=0,则有,Aa - Ab ≥ 0
The maximum work theorem can be expressed as: Aa-Ab ≥ -W, where,
Aa, Helmholtz free energy at the starting point of the system, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
Ab, the Helmholtz free energy at the end of the system, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
Express work, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
If the process is isothermal and isovolumic, W=0, yes, Aa-Ab ≥ 0.
当,ΔA=Aa - Ab<0,时,体现了过程是一个自发过程;
当,ΔA=Aa - Ab=0,体现了过程是一个可逆过程(或系统处于平衡态);
当,ΔA=Aa - Ab0>0,体现了过程是一个不可能发生的过程,或者说,背景空间(环境)给予该系统补充内能。
From a broad perspective,
When ΔA=Aa-Ab<0, it shows that the process is a spontaneous process;
When, ΔA=Aa-Ab=0, it shows that the process is a reversible process (or the system is in equilibrium);
When, ΔA=Aa-Ab0>0, it means that the process is an impossible process, or that the background space (environment) gives the system supplemental internal energy.
According to the quantum three-dimensional constant theory, h*C=Vp*C^(3), because the system and the background space (environment) constitute the entire universe. Helmholtz free energy (A) reveals the interconnection between the system and the background space (environment).
例如,孤立量子体系的大爆炸,体现为,ΔA=Aa - Ab<0,时,表达了相对于背景空间(环境),其过程是一个自发过程。而,孤立量子体系的大收缩,体现为,ΔA=Aa - Ab>0,时,表达了相对于背景空间(环境),其过程是背景空间(环境)给予该系统补充内能。孤立量子体系处于平衡态,体现为,ΔA=Aa - Ab=0,时,表达了相对于背景空间(环境),系统处于平衡态(可逆)过程。
For example, the big explosion of an isolated quantum system is expressed as: ΔA=Aa-Ab<0, expressing that the process is a spontaneous process relative to the background space (environment). However, the large contraction of the isolated quantum system is reflected in that when ΔA=Aa-Ab>0, it expresses that relative to the background space (environment), the process is that the background space (environment) gives the system supplemental internal energy. The isolated quantum system is in equilibrium state, when ΔA=Aa-Ab=0, it expresses that the system is in equilibrium state (reversible) process relative to the background space (environment).
Obviously, if the universe is an isolated quantum system, and its background space is an absolute vacuum, the theory of the Big Bang is established; it shows that the universe is deterministic.
If the universe is infinitely large, for an isolated quantum system, the background space cannot be a vacuum, and the theory of the Big Bang does not hold. According to the quantum three-dimensional constant theory, h*C=Vp*C^(3), the principle of uncertainty (quantum mechanics) is correct, and it can be seen that the universe is infinite.
2亥姆霍兹自由能A)与吉布斯自由能 G )的联系
吉布斯自由能 G 可以表
 G = A + pV=H-TS其中,
P 压强量纲,[L^(2)T^(-3)]
而,吉布斯自由能G),G = μN
可见,亥姆霍兹自由能A)A= μN - pV
Gibbs free energy (G) can be expressed as,
  G = A + pV=H-TS, where,
G, Gibbs free energy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
A, Helmholtz free energy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
P, pressure, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
V, expression volume, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)];
H, expression enthalpy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
T, expressing temperature, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
S, expression entropy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)].
However, Gibbs free energy (G), G = μN;
It can be seen that the Helmholtz free energy (A), A = μN-pV.
吉布斯自由能 G )的变化,可作为恒温及恒压过程中,自发与平衡的判据。
吉布斯自由能 G ),除体积功之外,在等温等压的条件下,相对于背景空间(环境),具有的做功的能力。
The change of Gibbs free energy (G) can be used as a criterion for spontaneous and equilibrium in the process of constant temperature and constant pressure.
This means that Helmholtz free energy (work function) is the ability to do work with respect to the background space (environment) under isothermal conditions.
Gibbs free energy (G), in addition to volume work, has the ability to do work relative to the background space (environment) under isothermal and isobaric conditions.
对于统计物理学来说,亥姆霍兹自由能A)与配分函数(Z)具有直接联系,其表达式:A= -N*K*T*lnZ其中
For statistical physics, Helmholtz free energy (A) is directly related to the partition function (Z), and its expression is: A= -N*K*T*lnZ, where,
K, express Boltzmann constant, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)];
T, expressing temperature, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
lnZ, expression partition function, dimension, [L^(0)T^(0)];
Express the number of particles, dimension, [L^(0)T^(0)].
For the adiabatic process of a thermodynamic system, the work done by the outside world on the system is determined by the starting state and the end state of the process, and does not depend on the specific process and method of doing work.
Any thermodynamic system must have a physical quantity that depends only on the state of the system. The difference between the two physical states is related to the work done by the outside world on the system during the adiabatic process.
Work can express a measure of energy change, so this physical quantity must be an energy of the system (internal energy of the system).
When the system reaches the state (b) from the state (a) through the adiabatic process, the increase in internal energy can be expressed as △U=Ub-Ua; it is equal to the work W done by the outside world (background space) to the system, ie, W=ΔU.
In mechanics, the work done by gravity on an object is determined by the start and end positions, and has nothing to do with the specific path of the object. That is to say, the difference in the potential energy of gravity between two positions of an object is the work done by gravity when the object moves between these two positions.
From another perspective, U=A+TS; where,
U, the internal energy of the expression system, dimension, [L^(3)T^(-1)]*[L^(2)T^(-2)];
T, expressing temperature, dimension, [L^(2)T^(-3)];
S, expression entropy, dimension, [L^(3)T^(0)].
This means that the internal energy of the system belongs to the intrinsic attribute of the system, and the change of the internal energy is related to the background space (environment).

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