
Answer and Question

纪锡地 发表于 2007/7/25 16:15 772次点击 | 收藏
I saw a game in other community which is very interesting, more importantly it is a good way to practice English. The rule is that a person ask a question, another person answer it, and ask another question, then the third person answer and ask a third question, thus the game can be continued forever. For instance: Q: Do you think love is important in marriage?
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张紫芬 发表于 2007/7/26 10:18 回复
A:   Of couse. Love is the base in marriage? 
Q: What about your loever?
陈靖风 发表于 2007/7/27 14:45 回复
A: He is a boy when only he and I at a place.
Q:  If you can choose what man would you change?
张紫芬 发表于 2007/7/27 15:42 回复
A: a fool.
Q: How will you do if you see a thief is stealing in a bus?
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