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国际刊号ISSN 1671-2064  国内刊号CN11-4650/N 邮发代号是:82-326


《中国科技纵横》杂志由科技部主管,面向海内外公开发行的国家级学术期刊。国际刊号ISSN 1671-2064国内刊号CN11-4650/N。邮发代号是:82-326本刊为月刊





































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刘君 发表于 2009/7/31 14:16 回复
"Time" inventory masterpiece "conspiracy theory" http://www.sina.com.cn 2009 on 31 day 07 years HanWEB 03:56 - Wuhan Evening News


Twin Towers burning


Paul McCartney was young


Before the assassination of President John F. Kennedy

★ 9.11 U.S. government created

After nearly half a century, the untimely death of the death of former President of the United States is still very much entangled to allow countless Americans. November 22, 1963, President Kennedy and his wife Jacqueline car traveling in a convertible through Dallas, Texas, Dealey Plaza, the city die when shot, unfortunately. Survey year, the assassination of Kennedy's assassin was 24-year-old Lee Harvey Oswald, he was a sharpshooter in the U.S. Marine Corps, because of the personal development of social frustration and hatred, anger-venting the president was shot.

However, polls repeatedly show that more than 70% of Americans believe that the matter would not be so simple. Some experts said that traces the trajectory at the scene indicated that Oswald was shot and the location and angle at the time of the Kennedy assassination did not correspond, so someone else must also fired several shots.

In 1990, a women named Jennifer弗怀特to the authorities claimed that her husband was a killer rocks, with Oswald and杰克鲁than the orders from the Central Intelligence Agency. Jennifer had heard at first hand to discuss their plans for the assassination of President Kennedy. 4 after the Kennedy assassination, the Rocks have been selling out of the Central Intelligence Agency, died of a mysterious explosion.

After the assassination of 20 years, the importance of witnesses involved in the case lost their lives one after another, the death toll to nearly 200 people, but the truth of the case has not as yet surfaced.

9.11 of the 2001 tragic events in history painting in the United States has a heavy sadness. Although Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda is no secret of their 9.11 culprits, the U.S. government has also carried out a firm blow. However, in a 2006 public opinion survey, there are still 42% of the surveyed people believe that the events of 9.11 in the investigation process, "the Government and the Commission is given the interpretation of 9.11 is often inconsistent and contradictory" .

Asked the American people why the United States Air Force equipment is extremely advanced and the security sector can not stop the hijacked aircraft, but also some scientists questioned: jet flame produced by combustion is not sufficient completely destroyed the structure of the twin towers, can not lead to the twin towers Finally, all the collapsed World Trade Center in ruins and found a high temperature molten metal is caused by thermite, it is very likely infer a person the use of explosives blew up the twin towers.

U.S. presidential election in 2004, there have been two presidential candidates is well-known Yale University "骷髅会" members. The organization was founded in 1832, aims to give immigrants the Anglo-American elite of future generations to create a secret brotherhood, once they become members, whether in business or in the path of politics, the organization will be met or never met a member of the full support and funding. So far, "骷髅会" has been a three term President of the United States, and numerous high-ranking government officials and business tycoons. However, other more secretive and more power than the associations, "骷髅会" It's nothing.

Conspiracy theory that the greater and more long-standing, such as "bright" and "Masonic" secret groups such as the so-called the world have formed a "shadow government", they specifically attract celebrities and powerful people of society to become a member, hope to influence through their governments and the various forces in order to secretly manipulate the situation changes in the world and then rule the entire world.

A conspiracy theorist or even cite an example: In the back of a dollar bank notes, printed on the pyramid and one eye, but the nation with the spirit of the United States that there is no relationship. It is said that this is a "Masonic" signs, one of founding fathers Washington, President of the United States is the "Masonic" members, so this logo was printed on the dollar so on.

Although there are numerous evidence and German himself admitted the fact to prove that in World War II there six million Jews were brutally killed, but a considerable portion of the Holocaust revisionists claim that the killing of the Nazi Party did not have such an enormous number of Jews.

These Holocaust revisionists do not deny that the Jews had been the fact that the concentration camps, but they insisted that the death toll has been exaggerated. To justify their points mainly concentrated in the gas chambers. Revisionist view that the gas chambers did not so much the power to kill so many people; As for the pictures of those emaciated Jewish prisoners, they are only in the concentration camps at that time had become very popular in more than typhoid fever.

Although the only surviving Beatles Paul McCartney is still active in the public eye, but conspiracy theorists have insisted that we see McCartney is a "forgery", the real McCartney As early as 1966, passed away.

A conspiracy theorist, said they issued after the 1966 Beatles song lyrics to find a clue. For example, John Lennon in the "day life" to sing the song in a number of obscure lyrics, this song sounds like "Paul is dead, I miss him, I miss him," and in his Another song "Strawberry Fields Forever", the concert is said to Lennon in the song, it was implicitly expressed by the lyrics "I buried Paul."

Since 1981, the United States Center for Disease Control and Prevention report since the first AIDS cases, the CIA created the AIDS virus and the spread of rumors on the noise even on the dust. I believe this claim that the CIA is doing so in order to "destroy" gay and African-Americans.

Today, those who believe in this theory is still a few, including former South African President Thabo Mbeki. Mbeki has said that the AIDS virus could really from Africa, but the Americans in the military laboratory in large quantities to create the virus and spread it out.

In 1978, in New York, Los Angeles and San Francisco, thousands of gay contract with the health sector as a laboratory "mouse", so that doctors in their hepatitis B vaccine in vivo testing. Conspiracy theory that is in the large-scale medical experiments, these poor homosexuals were injected with HIV doctor. Subsequent years, the three cities the number of people infected with HIV is much higher than other cities in the United States.

According to the China Daily reported

The so-called "conspiracy theory" that refers to the historical or contemporary events of the "alternative" interpretation is different from the general conclusion is widely accepted, but the incident is attributed to individuals or groups planning in secret. "Conspiracy theory" basically there is no conclusive evidence, but a number of sensational claims. The recent "Time" magazine has been the most extensive history of the most influential of the "conspiracy theory" is, perhaps it will provoke critical thinking people to stand in another point of view of the ever-changing history of the world; or adventure is to satisfy people's psychological, to enjoy some dinner, composed of a variety of confidential.
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