

李永超 发表于 2010/6/14 6:12 2744次点击 | 收藏



发布时间:2010-06-11 04:21:59 【来源:中新网】



据台湾东森新闻报道,被称为陈水扁“国师”的姓名学老师篮天威说:“感谢天地,还陈水扁一个公道,这是第一点。那么第二点就是陈水扁的姓名会过关,那么第三点,政治没永远的敌人。” 篮天威信誓旦旦的说,“关关难过关关过”陈水扁一定会平安闯关,为了增加说服力,篮天威还举对岸的领导人当例子,指出毛泽东等人的姓名跟陈水扁一样都是29划,是领袖格,不会被关。
    大陆姓名学大师李钛先生指出陈水扁跟陈希同.陈良宇的姓名一样是20划,是大凶格,必然重判! 这是简体格数分析.
陈希同 陈7希7同6  7+7+6=20
陈良宇 陈7良7宇6  7+7+6=20
陈水扁 陈7水4扁9  7+4+9=20
本人帐号.中国银行.卡号6013 8205 0098 5450 323
李钛大师电话.0414-2860310  李钛大师qq 786261912
李钛大师网址 在网上任意搜李钛二字就是我.





                                                                    2010.6.14.辽宁本溪 李钛先生(李永超)

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周现强 发表于 2010/6/14 9:03 回复
刘君 发表于 2010/6/21 18:09 回复
Sichuan scholars: the spread of AIDS and the extinction of the smallpox
Http://www.newssc.org】 【2010-06-17 09:43】 【Source: Sichuan News Net - Sichuan Economic Daily News】
AIDS, due to high mortality, there is currently no effective treatment, known as the "century plague", but also lead to a talk about "Ai" discoloration. In May of this year's "immune" magazine, published in the University of California, Los Angeles and a team of researchers at George Mason University's research results, the smallpox vaccine than those who did not receive smallpox vaccine were more effective against AIDS viruses, the latter likely to be infected with HIV 5 times higher than the former, while the conclusion drawn is that kind of smallpox vaccine and AIDS stop the spread of relationship may exist between.

This was regarded as "likely to AIDS into a new phase" of the thesis, in fact, as early as 1991, was Xiao Long Sichuan scholars such as 3, its "between AIDS and smallpox," Coupling "" thesis "Discovery of Nature" in 1991 published the first four, and was "Xinhua Digest" 1992, No. 3 extract, followed by April 24, 1992, "China Women" is reproduced.

Sichuan scholars first to propose

The spread of AIDS and the extinction of the smallpox

May 1980, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed that the global eradication of smallpox in a report the Commission pointed out: the eradication of smallpox in the history of mankind a unique event, the World Health Organization remarkable achievement. This indicates that the human conquest of nature in those ferocious threat to human security, infectious diseases, journey taken a decisive step. Is all of humanity was complete elimination of smallpox in the celebration when, in China's northwest, a just from the Department of Biology, Microbiology, Wuhan University graduate young people, but vaguely had a hunch: the first was smallpox virus as a purpose of human , the total elimination of conscious biological in nature, it disappears from the ecological point of view, will create a "vacuum zones", so if there will be another thing to fill this vacancy?

In 1982, much work in Lanzhou Institute of Biological Products Xiao Long, went to Beijing to participate in the national working meeting of pertussis, heard in 1981, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta, the first reported AIDS cases in the news, at the age of 24-year-old Xiao Long heart burst of excitement, a bold idea flashed in his mind, out: 1980 World Health Organization in Geneva has just announced the global eradication of smallpox in 1981, announced the emergence of AIDS, that is, from the time the order point of view, ceiling disappear in the crowd along with the emergence of AIDS. So, whether between smallpox and AIDS, there is a link?

Since 1982, Xiao Long subscribed to almost all domestic and international on infectious diseases, AIDS and related academic journals, began his arduous quest. 1991 5,6 months, the Department of Biotechnology, Sichuan University has been studying for a doctorate Xiao Long, with two colleagues Heng Xu, Hang Li stars after a few months, finally completed more than 5,000 scholarly articles the word "AIDS and between the ceiling "coincidence", "and published in the current October issue of" Nature Explore "magazine in 1991 on 4. This paper from the ceiling and AIDS has emerged chronologically, from the human immune system, virus characteristics and the ecological balance of the three areas of biological analysis, HIV and smallpox-related assumptions, infer the extinction of AIDS-related production and ceiling, and then make vaccinia AIDS vaccine may be able to view. The article was published later namely March 25, 1992 issue of "Xinhua Digest" to do more than 500 words the main points of excerpts, followed by April 24, 1992, "China Women" is reproduced.

"Wall flower wall Xiang"

Hypothesis was confirmed foreigners step by step

Despite the introduction of such a hypothesis, in fact, Xiao Long was difficult to prove their thesis experimental study. "The reasons are manifold, one experimental patient conditions. At the border of Yunnan in China only a small number of drug users found that AIDS patients can not see an AIDS, how are we going to capture that patients check their blood or and whether the three generations of smallpox ill? Second, at the time of AIDS research at an early period, we are not professional AIDS researchers, so in order to get the scientific community, such as laboratories, equipment, personnel, funding of such support is difficult. "Xiao Long said.

However, this ground-breaking thesis, no doubt to the Chinese scientific community at that time dropped a "bombshell", most scholars have in time of this hypothesis as "Arabian Nights", Xiao Long, who was also seen as " heterogeneous. " Together with practical difficulties, Xiao Long, and others can only be a temporary pilot project, "stranded."

However, after very long time, Xiao Long's hypothesis has repeatedly been demonstrated with foreign scientists.

In 1999, Canada's a scientist in "Science" published papers to prove AIDS infectious with smallpox in common.

In 2003, University of California, the population geneticist 艾里森迦尔 Varney and Monte High Meisilate gold in the "U.S. National Academy of Sciences," published online articles, reports, projections by mathematical models that European anti-HIV the real cause of the virus, a smallpox is another disaster in the Middle Ages.

May 2010, "Immunology," published in the University of California, Los Angeles and the George Mason University, a group of researchers research papers. The researchers selected 20 women, aged between 19 and 41 healthy volunteers, the Navy, 10 subjects in the experiment the first 3 to 6 months have been inoculated with smallpox vaccine, there are 10 non-vaccinated vaccinia vaccine. Through comparative experiments, the researchers found that the smallpox vaccine than people who did not receive smallpox vaccine is more effective against AIDS viruses, the latter likely to be infected with HIV 5 times higher than the former. To draw conclusions: stop kind of smallpox vaccine and the relationship may exist between the spread of AIDS.

Again and again to the beginning of scientific research is considered "alternative" Xiao Long scholars and others evolved as a theoretical hypothesis. Xiao Long said that the U.S. scientists will undoubtedly once again to the original paper support the hypothesis that the scientific basis.

"China regrets" the Enlightenment

Innovation comes from the scientific spirit

In fact, in 1999 and 2003 Canadian and U.S. scientists came after another paper, they re-ignited the enthusiasm of Xiao Long's study, so that his heart from the waves.

In 2004, he successively submitted to the Ministry of Health, including the vaccinia vaccine to prevent AIDS and to explore the feasibility study and mechanism of two topics, including applications for AIDS and smallpox want to experiment to re-engage them. However, due to various reasons, the two applications eventually came to nothing. This smug Xiao Long undoubtedly been poured cold water, due to insufficient funds and the experimental conditions are not met, Xiao Long's pilot project only ran aground again.

May 9, 2009, Guangxi CDC, volunteers Luo (a pseudonym) flashed the arm, needle a little push, a small amount of clear liquid into the medical school of the young body, marking the Chinese AIDS vaccine developed by formally entered Phase II human clinical trials. Meanwhile, the U.S. AIDS vaccine research already entered Phase III human clinical trials.

"If I did some research funding and conditions of this experiment may be the result of today is not raised by foreign scientists. And our country is in the field of AIDS research results will not only stop the current situation." Xiao Long regret.

The first argument made by the Chinese people, but also could be made by the Chinese people the results of earlier been the first to foreigners, this is not only the loss of the Chinese people, it is the loss of all mankind.

"We sit here and tell you that the work of curiosity to play its role. The seriousness of the experiments has no effect, and you have never heard of them, but from now on just to do test work." This is 1999 , the Canadian scientists accidentally discovered the HIV and smallpox when the remark. For this sentence, Xiao Long deep feelings.

"Innovation comes from what innovation comes from the spirit, the spirit is a spirit that is explored in the final analysis. In the scientific field, there is no authority that only the truth. The real scientists did not think of yourself is what, to others are wrong a thing. "

Xiao Long said, then he would own research on AIDS and smallpox, a system of sorting out to do, and at home and abroad reviewed scientific publications and the publications, get to the root with the scientific method. Yang Lu Wang Junfu reporter
Editor: Liu Yuan
李永超 发表于 2010/6/23 6:00 回复
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